About Me

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Paulding County, Georgia, United States
I've been doing photography for over 20 years but more recently opened my own business. This blog will give you not only some professional insight but personal insight as well.

Friday, March 21, 2008

"It's Friday..... But Sunday Is Coming!"

"It's Friday,but Sunday's coming!" is a quote I heard at our church on Sunday. Today is Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified and paid the ultimate price for us. A sad day but yet the hope of Sunday is coming.....at the time, they didn't know but we do. That's what that quote references......

It's Friday But Sunday Is Coming!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Congratulations to Bill & Kelly

Bill and Kelly had their engagement session on March 8th. We had plans to go to Cauble Park but of course the weather wasn't cooperating:)! So we did the session mainly in the studio with a quick run out to the Silver Comet Trail in Hiram. We made that location by the hair of our chinny chin chin:)! The sun was setting and it was a rush to get the shots we wanted before it went away completely but we did it. Bill had wanted a portrait by the old train at the park to the trail and my husband contributed with a great idea. My husband's training is coming along and he will be a great asset. If you aren't aware, he is being trained to be my second shooter. He has a great eye (very hard to teach that) but needs to learn how to shoot manually (easy to teach that). I had fun with Bill and Kelly of course and can't wait to capture their wedding in April! Enjoy my favorites from their session:)!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

On a personal note...Daughter's Birthday & Baptism.......& Don't GO to church, BE the church...

OK, I've been meaning to post a more personal post here for awhile now but I've been a little busy:)!

First, this past Sunday Church At The Ridge (CATR) showed me once again why we are a part of this church. DON'T GO TO CHURCH BUT.....

You may or may not have seen people walking around with these shirts on:

Instead of going to church, we gathered at the school and then all dispatched to different areas all doing different things & we WERE the church. Some people cooked meals for a Vet who recently came back from Iraq, others cleaned yards & parks, some were at Kroger just giving a helping hand in the parking lot, and still others stationed at different places on Silver Comet Trail handing out water. That's what my family did....although I think hot chocolate would've been nice:)! It was cold:):)! But seriously, isn't this what Christians are suppose to be about...helping others and bringing some light to their life...spreading the joy:)! Even if you aren't a believer, it's still nice to have someone giving you a helping hand just to be nice. Just another person just doing something nice & giving a helping hand! I LOVE our church & how God is working through the great, awesome people in this church!

Now my daughter will shoot me for posting this pic but here's a good one for you

He was taking a picture of my son....get it...shooting through her head...HA:):)! Took a little for her to catch that one:)LOL!


I've been meaning to post this for awhile now but been busy.... My youngest daughter turned 9 last month and was baptized. Enjoy the video below & now it's back to editing engagement pictures for Kelly and Bill....that'll be the next post!

God Bless!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Johnathan & Christina Engagement & Madoca Album Release

OK, so I realized I have a bunch of stuff that has been going on that I need to post about!!!

First, congrats to Johnathan & Christina who will be getting married in May. We had a blast at their engagement session which got split into 2 days due to the weather. Unfortunately, neigher day produced the blue skies I wanted for Cauble Park but a little digital work and we have something interesting!

I'm sure these two will grow old together and live a joyful life.....I just can't wait for their wedding! We will have so much fun!!!

MADOCA & COMPANY Release new album Amythest

I had so much fun doing their photography for their new album which was just released today!!! I heard the preview of this album & the music is just awesome! I've also completed some design work for them which you'll see below. To check out their new CD click here!

Image used for album cover.

OK, I had gotten way ahead of myself & designed this but once I get something in my head it's hard to get rid of it! Madoca had hired another company to do their album design but maybe next time I'll do it:)!

Poster design for venue.

Another poster design for a different venue.

Until next time, God bless!