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Paulding County, Georgia, United States
I've been doing photography for over 20 years but more recently opened my own business. This blog will give you not only some professional insight but personal insight as well.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thought for the week: Imagine.....

This thought has occurred to me before & after the heart wrenching events in Africa, it's a question or thought coming up again.

What if everyone in the world, even if they don't believe in Jesus, practiced what he tought....love your enemies as your own or treat others the way you want to be treated. OK, so it's not an exact quote and no I couldn't reference the bible verses this teaching comes from. If you have read my first post, I'm not that familiar with bible verses but I'm at least familiar with the teachings....

But what if we could all do that? What if we could all treat others the way we want to be treated? It is actually one of the simplest teachings of Jesus but seems to be the most difficult to do!! Imagine how simpler life would be! Imagine how safe our children would be! Imagine the world all living together in harmony with no regard to religious differences/beliefs, skin color, race, gender...etc!

To love your enemy..hmmm....last year my now 8 year old daughter was having issues with a bully at school. I told her to "kill her with kindness" also stating that if you show it's not bothering you, they'll stop picking on you. Well, needless to say..they are now friends! Now if we as adults could all do this, the world would be a much better place!

My prayers go out to those impacted by the tragedy in Nairobi, Kenya. I also pray for the healing of the hearts and souls of those left behind to carry on. They are not alone!

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